Wednesday 10 May 2017

Stop Motion Animation

Internet Definition
Stop motion is an animation technique that physically manipulates an object so that it appears to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a fast sequence.

My Defintion
Stop motion animation is the process in which you photograph objects capture minor movements each time. When enough motion in played back in a fast creates a manipulation that the objects are actually moving, this is similar to 2d animations just with objects rather than drawings.

Behind The Scenes
This video is behind the scenes of the Xbox "Clay" advert. this video really conveys how long it takes to create the advert it also shows the effort that went into making it.

Stop Motion Animation can be used in the following

  • Movies 
  • TV 
  • Advert 
  • Special Effects

Example: The Nightmare Before Christmas. 
This film was created by using characters moulded by Playdoh and the camera shot each tiny movement creating the film. The director for this film was Henry Selick, he was also the animator but he had help from Tim Burton aswell. The story itself is about the king of Halloween town discovering Christmas. 

Example: The Angry Kid
This short animation series was created and directed by Darren Walsh. Angry Kid is about a runny nosed British teenager stuck in the awkward age before adulthood, the show was aired in 1999 and it only had 24 episodes. 

Example: Xbox Advert
The advert I have gone for is the Xbox advert which aired in 2009, the advert was created by Microsoft in a bid to boost them ahead of Sony with Playstation. In the advert they advertise the games they are offering by giving them a unique look, they are shown using Playdoh. This is effective because it makes the audience intrigued in the advert.

Special effects
Example: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope 
An example of a stop motion animation special effect used in film is the let the wookie win scene in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, in this scene Chewbacca and C3PO are playing a game of chess and the pieces on the board are meant to be holograms but in the real world they were shot together using playdoh.

Bibliography Accessed 10/05/17

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